The Celebration of Eucharist is the center of Christian life:
The liturgy is the summit toward which the activity of the Church is directed; it is also the font from which all her power flows. For the goal of apostolic endeavor is that all who are made sons of God by faith and baptism should come together to praise God in the midst of his Church, to take part in the Sacrifice and to eat the Lord’s Supper.
(Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy #10)
Children and teens anticipating reception of First Communion and Confirmation should participate in a religious education program at least one year prior to the celebration of the sacrament. For instance, if a parent wants his or her child to receive First Communion in second grade, the child must attend class for all of first grade and second grade. Children preparing to receive the sacraments and are home schooled will be asked to participate in retreats or other special programs designed to help in faith formation of all the children in the parish.