Parish Council
The Parish Council is a representative body called from the members of its parish.
Its functions are to reflect on and promote the pastoral life and activity of the parish and advise the pastor on how best to provide for the pastoral needs of the parish community.
Meeting times for the councils:
St. Julie meets on the 1st Tuesday of March, June, September, and December.
Active Christian Enthusiastic Seniors “ACES”
ACES is a senior group for the Hamilton-Catholic Pastoral Region, open to all members of St. Julie, St. Peter, and St. Joseph and their friends. ACES meet monthly on the 2nd Thursday of each month from 1:00-3:00 pm at the Fenmont, with a luncheon and themed meeting. In addition, there are also various activities and group trips to places of special interest. No registration is required, and all are welcome. If you would like to meet new people, and have FUN, come and join us. ACES would love to have you.
St. Julie Altar-Rosary Society
The Altar Rosary Society is a ministry of the St. Julie Billiart Parish whose primary purpose and goal is to increase devotion to the Blessed Virgin and to support and enhance the parish’s liturgical needs by cleaning and replacing articles in the sanctuary area (including the altar, altar linens, candles, votive candles, and vestments) as needed for liturgical celebrations, to supply the bread and wine for all Masses, and to render assistance when necessary. A member of Altar-Rosary leads the rosary before all Masses at our church.
Covered dish luncheon meetings are held in February, April, June, August, October, and December (birthday party for Baby Jesus) on the first Monday of the month in the Fenmont Center following the 12:00 noon Mass
Officers include the president, vice president, secretary and treasurer.
New members (men and women) are invited and welcomed from all age groups. Dues are $10.00 per year and are due the first of the year.
If you are a person with enthusiasm for fellowship and a desire to help the parish in its outreach programs, becoming a member of the Altar Rosary Society is a great way to get involved.
St. Julie Bereavement Ministry
The Church calls each member of Christ’s Body to participate in the ministry of consolation: to care for the dying, to pray for the dead, to comfort “those who mourn.” (Order of Christian Funerals, #8)
The goal of this ministry is the continuing development and implementation of a parish bereavement ministry that answers the need to serve grieving people in a special way.
At the present time the bereavement ministry consists of liturgy planning, the presence of a choir, greeters at the liturgy and St. Julie’s Heavenly Kitchen.
The Heavenly Kitchen helps coordinate and host a reception at our Fenmont Center or at the home of the family in need, following a funeral liturgy conducted by our parish for one of our members. Volunteers of this committee, "The Angel Brigade", prepare food, host the reception, or drop off food to the family home. This committee is a great way to reach out to fellow parish members in their time of need. For more information about this group contact one of the Chairpersons listed below.
This ministry can always use the talents and gifts of people in the parish. In visiting the bereaved, in liturgical planning/ministry (including Choir and greeters), in hospitality and in group-support, your assistance will be appreciated.
Social Committee
The Social Committee brings the Pastoral region together to share food and fellowship several times during the year. The events are a great way to meet fellow parish members while sharing a delicious meal. This ministry welcomes new members and suggestions for events.